Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rites of Mars: Armour

Astartes Power Armour Mark VII "Aquilla" Pattern
Ceramite Plating: Provides AP 10 to the Body and AP 8 to all other locations

Enhanced Strength:Increase the Battle-Brother's Strength by +20. The effect on SB is calculated after the Unnatural Strength multiplier.

Auto-senses: The Space Marine ganes the Dark Sight Trait, and Hightened Senses (+10 to relevant Tests) for Sight and Sound, Imput filtering provides immunity to photon flash grenades and stun grenades. Note that these benefits only apply whilst the Space Marine is wearing his helmet, and the benefits from the Auto-seneses stack with the benefits of the Space Marines's Lyman's Ear and Occulobe implants (Meaning that the Space Marines have a +20 to Sight and Sound based Awareness Tests). Aditionally, the Auto-Senses make the Called Shot Action into a Half Action

Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: With the helmet on, the Armour is enviromentally sealed and can maintain an adequate oxygen supply as long as the unit is powered.

Bio-monitor and Injectors: If the internal cogitator detects a problem with the wearer's bio-sighns, it can administerpain suppressors, combat stimms, and anti-toxins. This provides the following benefits:
* +10 to Tests resisting the Toxic Quality and similar poison effects
* The pain suppressor reservoir has a total of 6 doses, each of which can be used to ignore Critical Effects for 1d10 rounds. The doses may be used in succession or staggered.
* If the wearer is Stunned, the effect lasts a maximum of one Round before the bio-monitor detects and negates it.

Vox Link: Serves as a standard vox and a channel for any more sophisticated data transmissions the suit or its wearer can access. The bio-monitor feed also transmits through this link, permitting a squad to view each others' vitals.

Magnetized Boot Soles: Can be activated to provide the equivalent of Magboots.

Nutrient Recycling: Filters in the armour capture and purify body waste, re-constituting it into a nutrient solution that is intravenously returned to the body. This can sustain a Battle-Brother for long periods of time, but not indefinitely. For every two weeks that no other source of nutrition is ingested, make a Toughness Test or suffer one level of Fatigue until nutrition is consumed. The Difficulty of this test increases one step for every two weeks that passes without food or Preomnor-derived sustenanced.

Recoil Suppression: Provides the ability to fire Basic weapons one-handed. Ranged weapons not classed as Pistols still may not be used in Close Combat.

Giant Among Men: A Space Marine in power armour is Hulking. This increases his basic movement by 1; however, the grace afforded by his Black Carapace negates the modifier enemies would otherwise have to attack him. He Still suffers the usual penalties to Concealment and Silent Move for being heavily armoured

Poor Manual Dexterity: While protective, armoured cloves are not ideal for fine manipulation. Delecate tasks suffer a -10 penalty unless using equipment designed for Space Marines. Similarly, ranged weapons other then those of Astartes design are too small for an armoured Battle-Brother to wield at all.

Power Armour Ritual: Assuming power armour is a sacred ritual, honoring the machine spirit's history of Valiant deeds and praying for its boons in the battles to come. It takes 20 minutes to remove or don power armour un-aided, but never less then 5 minutes no matter the amount of assistance as the proper rites must be observed.

Astartes Artificer Power Armour

Improved AP: Artificer Power Armour provides all the benifits and penaltys of normal Power Armour, with the addition of 12 AP over all locations, and is also *always* Master Crafted

Additional Rules: Helmet includes an MIU in addition to everything listed above for regular Power Armour (MIU stands for Mind Impulse Unit - see Tech Marines section of Armoury in Core rules. Also, roll twice on the Power Armour History table to determine the special properties of the armour.

Astartes Tactical Dreadnought Armour (Terminator)

Improved AP: 14 AP all locations

Additional Benifits: Superior Actuator and stabilisation systems allow for Heavy and Mounted weapons to be fired one-handed. This also provies the Auto-Stabilised Trait and grants +30 to Strength instead of a +20. The Auto-senses are part of a sensorium, which provies the same capabilities as an auspex. (+20 to Awareness Tests, and may make a Tech-Use test to detect things that are not normally visible, such as bio-signatures, poison gas or other toxins, etc.) If Two or more Battle-Brothers are in Terminator Armour, the input link capabilities of a sensorium also increase the Squad's effective Rank by 1 for the purposes of determining weather or not it is in Support Range.

Crux Terminatus: This protection provides the same chance to emerge unscathed as a Force Field with a Protection Rating of 35. Since this is Purely due to the chance of the hit glancing off the armours strongest surfaces, there is no possibility of Overload. (Field Rules - Truncated: A Character may only benifit from one field at a time, regardless of how many different fields he may have equipped. When a character wearing an active field is attacked, roll 1d100. If the result is less thean or equal to the field's protection rating the attack is nullified and has no effect on the protected character. (Although the attack may have an effect on surroundings or other nearby characters, such as with weapons of a Blast Quality.))

Drawbacks: A Terminator cannot Run, and the wearer suffers a -20 to Agility and cannot Dodge (but may still Parry). Furthermore, in order for the Terminator's frame to properly support, aim, and interface with weapons they must be affixed by special couplings. Arming Tactical Dreadnought units is a laborious and sacred ritual that may only be performed by high-ranking Techmarines with the proper ceremonial accoutrements and facilities. This prohibits the weapon configuration from being changed under other circumstances.

Terminator-Compatible Weapons: Any Combi-weapon, Power Weapon or Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, Storm Shield, Heavy Flamer, Assault Cannon, Cyclone Missle Launcher.

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