Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Initium Novum

c. 0413011.M42 - Callaxis Sector

Droplets of condensation fell in rivelets down the viewscreen.

Moments earlier the Wrath of the Legionnaire, and it's handful of escorts, emerged violently from The Warp. The thin veneer of frost that had enveloped the outer hull melted from the rays of a nearby dying sun.

Admiral Albanus Sextus slouched forward over the tactical display that straddled his lap. Displays glowed amber or red, belying the critical status of numerous sectors within the ship.

"Lord Octavian." Wheezed the shaken admiral. "Despite our damage... The Legionnaire has held together. We have successfully exited the warp."

A smattering of cheers broke from amongst the crew, though most remained somber, aware that at any moment the situation could deteriorate. Admiral Sextus's hands passed over the screen, calling up further displays.

"Four of our escorts are up; the fifth, the Summa Sapientia, is showing multiple hull punctures. I'm afraid that there's nothing left of her but a drifting hulk. At your orders m'lord - what shall you have us do?"

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