Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Enter: The Cohort

An initiate stood rigidly in the back of the hall, patiently awaiting Commander Ataroth to finish his evenings ablutions. An elderly attendant stood silently next to him with a vice grip on his arm, warding him off as not to disturb his master.

A thick pall of incense wafted lazily through the room, dense enough to muffle the choir of the Imperial Cult, chanting and murmuring in the balcony above.  Everything was bathed in the heat and light, given off by innumerous candles.

When he had finished meditating, an enormous figure emerged from the billowing smoke --the remnants of which were sucked up towards the ceiling, vacuumed up by the ships ventilation system. The commander stood tall and imposing, being dressed in a simple linen undergarments, and covered in red weals; marks of self-flagellation from his time in the ships chapel.

"Commander.  Long range scanners have picked up several warships dropping out of the warp. According to Imperial Fleet Registry, these vessels haven't been seen in Imperial Space for hundreds of years." The initiate rattled off after hastily dropping to a knee.

"Come." Beckoned the Commander. "Show me on the star chart in the bridge. Give me a full rundown on the situation."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Glacialis Sepulchrum

The thunderhawk knifed through the void of space after clearing the Wrath's hold. Tech Marine Christos sat before a bank of vidscreens, detailing a list of anomalies that the vessel's sensors were obtaining from the Summa Sapientia.

"Sgt. Stephland. Our sensors are still registering no life signs aboard the ship. And take a look at this; there appears to be a coating of ice surrounding the outer hold." Christos punched at a series of runes at his station. "Measurements put it at exactly two meters thick -- across the entirety of the Sapientia. It appears to be interfering with the Machine Spirit's ability to interface with the ships controls."

Stephland harumphed inside his terminator armour, as Christos transferred the data feed to his suit's eyepieces.  He certainly couldn't climb the ladder up to the command deck of the Thunderhawk without severly damaging something.  However, this was an unneeded wrinkle.  "What kind of Ice, Tech Sergeant?"

"The whole area is awash with warp eddies, it will take a minute to try to narrow it down."  Cristos replied curtly as his fingers flew over the command terminal and he jacked himself into the system's data terminal.  His remaining eyelid fluttered unseen behind his helmet as he communed directly with the Thunderhawk's cognators.

After less then a minute of communion he murmurred the rites of completion to himself and opened his vox circuit again, "Sergeant, the Ice is almost pure methane.  But it appears to be mixed with... bits of human flesh and effuvia.  The sensors aren't clear - a Thunderhawk's sensors were never designed for such resolution, but it looks like human dna."

"Understood."  Marius stated quietly in response as he considered his options.  A younger sergeant might immediately think to call to his superior, and there was a certain amount of rationale to that line of thinking - however Marius Stephland had been campaigning as part of the Legion for almost as long as Gaius Septimus had been in command.  He had been but a neophyte - and a very new one when that old warhorse had taken over.  To him, at least privately Octavian was a young upstart - even if he was an incredibly effective one.  He had his mission, and he would attempt to carry it out.  Only moments had passed before he asked his next question, "Could the methane have been from an internal ships system?"

Unseen above him, the Tech Sergeant drummed his gauntleted fingers together - one of the few reasons he had not replaced them with more efficient mechanical digits - this was an idiosincracy that helped him to think.  "Yes, in fact that particular class revision of destroyer contains a large amount of methane storage which is converted as needed to everything from H2O and carbon, to various other chemicals that have a miriad of uses.  It collects this gas during the processing of offal.  Its an incredibly efficient system, honestly."

"A yes, would have sufficed Cristos" Marius replied with an unseen shake of his head, "So... one of the structural failures could have resulted in this?"

"...doubtful.  It is too uniform, and methane would convert to ice far too quickly to coat the exterior surfaces.  But... there would have been enough storage aboard ship to account for the majority of the ice." Cristos replied after some further consideration.

"And the results of introducing heat?"

"Energetic... but even if the entire ships ice pack was to converted to energy, it would not endanger the fleet, or even the hulk.  Methane is an efficient fuel, but not a very powerful one.  I would recommend we stand off to a safe distance before attempting any such action, however.  Since I doubt there is enough free oxygen for it to combust, but we do not want to befall the destroyers fate and be incased in ice ourselves."

"Pass the word to the cockpit then.  Stand off a safe distance and prepare to engage the ice over the primary port docking umbilical with the turbolaser." Stephland ordered.

"Aye." Cristos responded as he changed vox frequencys to the command cabin, and passed the orders.

The Thunderhawk banked away from the silent destroyer and backed off a little over a hundred klicks before reorienting on its stationary target.  Rerunning the numbers for the Gunnery officer, Cristos made two minor corrections to the firing solution, and authorized the firing rite.

A moment later, a three coherent scarlet beams lashed out at the ice around the docking port almost faster then the eye could register.  The preassure and heat, combined with the still leaking O2 from the ship's many hull breaches started a slow, and almost stately burnoff of the methane ice that surrounded the ship.

Back aboard the Wrath of the Legionnaire, Octavian watched the burnoff of the methane ice visually unaided through one of the massive view ports at the fore of the bridge.  From here, the Destroyer looked quite small, as the flare of fire lit its dark silhoette  He had been personally monitoring communications between the mission team and was pleased with progress.  Stephland was a solid Sergeant, and would make a good candidate to replace him as Captain of the First Company, if they ever were successful in expanding their numbers.

That, was a line of thinking for another time, once the trials of the here and now were completed.  Behind him, one of his command squad - who had taken to calling themselves his Blades walked up.

"Captain.  The Master of the Forge sends word that Septimus has been successfully entombed in one of our recovered and unmanned Dreadnaughts.  He has been awoken, and is still adjusting to his new condition - but he has asked to see you." Barabas Verge reported.

Turning, the edge of his heavy cloak, a deep blue like the deepest depths of the Aleran Seas... when there still had been Sea's on Alera, stirred.  "I suppose I should see him then."

"They are in the Wrath's Forge, just aft of the primary Armoury Captain." 

"Thank you, Verge."  The Captain of Alera's First Company responded simply, before turning back to the view port.

Verge, who now that the Wrath had returned to Normal space and would remain so for some time had removed his armour for the first time in almost a quarter centery, nodded to the Captain's back, and turned to return to his meditations, his heavy robes shifting only slightly as he departed.

Behind him, Octavian watched the last of the burnoff fade to nothing, and tapping his fingers against the top of his helmet, still maglocked into place at his belt nodded to some unheard statement and turned, heading for the lift at the rear of the bridge.  "Admiral, keep me appraised of the situation."

"Aye my lord."

It was time to see what Septimus would have to say.


Out in the void of space, the Thunderhawk approached the derelict destroyer, and with grace that belied its great size, pivoted so its hull was parallel to the derelict, then slowly eased down, before locking onto the docking umbilical with its ventral hatch.

A solid amber light went green, indicating a solid magnetic seal to the team that waited in the assault bay. 

"Good Seal.  Cristos, time to join the team and get your clankers up." Marius ordered via vox link

"On my way Sergeant." the Tech Sergeant replied as he removed himself from the Command Alcove he'd commandeered as the ranking Tech Marine aboard the Thunderhawk.  Instead of  simply climbing down the access ladder to the assault bay, he activated his Servo-arm, and with the ease one might use a limb they were born with, lowered himself through the hatch, and dropped to the floor.  A whispered vox command on a side channel brought his small 'squad' of Battle Servitors up from their rest state.

Kneeling by the floor hatch he tapped a few commands, "Releasing gravity plating in three seconds.  Recommend you activate magboots."

Around him, nine clicks were heard as magnitized bootsoles locked against the floor.  For his own stability he locked his servo arm to one of the recessed handgrips around the lock as the gravity plating was shut down. 

"The lock on the farside is not responding, probably due to the atmospheric venting.  I will have to try to override the safeties, otherwise we will have to cut our way in."

"Do it." Marius ordered.

Cristos bent to the task and a moment later the inner hatch, followed by the hatch on the ship opened.  The air in the assault bay vented rather violently, and a saftey hatch that lead to the upper cockpit slid shut with a clang, though the inhabitants were hardly bothered, sealed in their armour.

However, as the hatch clanged all the way over, the sound reverberating through their boot soles in the sudden vaccumm every battle brother heard, and felt a psychic scream rip at their conciousness.

Marius shook it off first, years of battle helping him to gird his mind against the intrusion without so much as a concious thought.  His voice grated through the vox as he expelled the mental intrusion, "Team, report."

Arvic was the first to respond, having been mostly silent on the net, "Apothecary ready, Sergeant.  I'm getting a spike in neuralogical activity from Cristos, Lar, and Pavil."

"Xax up." Another of the Fist responded.

"Ullar reporting." Marius's second within his squad reported. 

The vox was silent for a moment, the rest of the team unresponsive, as Pavil and Lar began to move towards the hatch, and Cristos appeared to be trying to pull himself through the hatch, but was restrained by his Servo-Arm, almost as if he had forgotten it was there.

"Pavil, Lar.  Report." Marius ordered as he stepped forward himself, whatever had hit them a moment earlier had done something to those three, that much was clear.

Silence continued to reign on the vox until Arvic broke in, "I do not think they can hear us.  Their brain activity resembles what I might expect to see in a mind that was deep in a rest cycle, Sergeant.  Whatever that psychic attack was, it has them thralled, I can attempt to tranquilize them."

"So ordered, Apothecary." Marius replied as he placed his free hand, his power sword maglocked to his armour, on his brother terminator's shoulder.  Pavil turned, with a warcry, and slammed his powerfist into the Sergeant's armour. It clanged off harmlessly, as it had not been activated - they tended to keep them deactivated until entering combat - it only required a mental command and it reduced accidents, it had its desired effect however, and Marius released his hold on Pavil's shoulder, and the Terminator clad Marine stepped forward again. 

To Marius's left, Arvic released his magnetic soles and sprang forward, and grabbed the heavy plate that fully encased the back of the Terminator's head, as he attempted to access one of the ports along the back of the armour that had been designed to allow medications to be administered with his narcathium.

He was successful, and the gyros of the heavy Terminator armour rocked forward as the marine within fell unconcious, kept upright by its gyros and magnetic boots, Arvic pushed off his unconcious brother in an attempt to repeat the action on the other Terminator.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


The primary briefing theater aboard the Wrath was an impressive sight with enough room for an entire company in standard armour, and four massive nests for the Old One's in their Dreadnaughts to be included in such briefings.  Today however the incense wreathed around the five massive armoured forms of Sergeant Stephland and his Squad, the Fist of the First.  Seated behind the massive terminator armour was Apothacary Elyas and Tech Sergeant Cristos.  All were attentive, with their helmets off, except Yse who as far as Octavian knew, was unable to remove his helmet, which was not uncommon for a Tech Marine.

Looking each in the eye he intoned the rites that initiated the ancient cognators in the briefing room's holo-projector, and after a moment, a shaky image resolved itself after a moment, of the Gladius Destroyer Summa Sapientia

"Brothers, we have been through a great trial.  And there are more to come... however the Sapientia has suffered at minimum a gellar field failure... but it is possible some of the fiends that have plagued us for years had somehow gotten aboard - or simply that other warp creatures have.  She translated with us, so there is hope, though there are no life signs - our Brother's who were aboard should have been in armour yet, and they may have put themselves into statis.  Even if they have not survived, recovery of their gene-seed is of paramount importance, if we are to survive as a Chapter." the Heir apparent began as he tapped a few commands into the cognator

The image on the holo shifted, zooming into the port docking hatch.

"All of the exterior portals are reading as closed and locked, and there are many rents in the hull, but after a short descussion earlier with the Magus, and the Admiral - we have determined that entry through one of the docking hatches would be the easiest, and prevent any further damage to sections of the ship that may still be under pressure.  You will take a Thunderhawk, hard dock with the hatch, and if possible, access the ships cognators to grant access.  If not, you will cut your way into the ship.  Once aboard your goals are straightforward."  He swept a hand towards the image, "Recover our brothers, and any other survivors at best.  At worst, recover their gene-seed, and determine the salvagability of the Sapientia.  However, the survival of your team is of the utmost importance.  We cannot afford to lose the lives of *any* of our brothers, and certainly none of your geneseed, at this venture.  We will maintain a Teleport lock on the entire team if at all possible - but it will fall to you my Brothers to make the hard choices, as always."

"Captain... I understand your reasons, but... honor dictates that if we can reach those brothers we *must*." Sergeant Stephland stated solemnly.

"I agree.  But today you must weigh the value of their lives against the Chapter as a whole... and as weak as we are, we cannot spend our lives for honor alone.  If we are to rebuild, we need every brother who can serve to stand with us. Until we have claimed a new recruiting world - that is the stricture we must live under." Octavian replied, sadly.

"I understand."

"I am sending the seven of you, because I can send no fewer."  He nodded, "Are there any other questions?"

Silence reigned, except for the occasional crackle from the holo-projector.

"Then may the Emperor watch over you.  Sergeant Stephland, the mission is yours."

"Yes Captain." Marius replied as he stood, and slid his arm into the heavy flamer's control column which magnetically locked to his armour with a snick, "Brothers, make any final preparations you require, our departure is in fifteen minutes."

Solemn nods were the only reply as each Marine stood up and locked his helmet into place, and hands checked wargear by feel and memory.  Finally Sergeant Stephland looked to his Captain, "We'll bring them back, sir."

"I have no doubt."  Octavian replied as Marius locked his helmet into place.  "May his eyes be on you."

"And you, sir." 

With that, the entire terminator squad turned as one, with impressive grace considering their side, and trooped out of the theater towards the forward docking bay.  Behind them, the Apothecary and the Tech Sergeant both nodded to thier Captain and then fell in.

There was little more that he could do, short of joining the mission himself - and there was far too much yet he had to see to before he could finally consider resting for the first time in a month.  Turning he headed in the opposite direction, on his way to the bridge to monitor the mission.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rites of Mars: Chapter Armoury

Within these vaults lie the sacred remaining stockpiles of weapons of our Chapter. Treat them well, and they will bring holy death to our enemys, and lead us - eventually - back to Sub-Sector Alera, and our home. -Master of the Forge, Magus Daemondred

Bolt Weapons

Astartes Bolt Pistol:
Class:Pistol  Range:30m  RoF:S/3/-  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:5 Clip:14  Rld:Full  Special:Tearing

Astartes Bolter(Godwyn pattern):
Class:Basic  Range:100m  RoF:S/2/4  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:5 Clip:28  Rld:Full  Special:Tearing

Astartes Storm Bolter:
Class:Basic  Range:100m  RoF:S/2/4  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:5 Clip:60  Rld:2Full  Special:Storm, Tearing

Astartes Heavy Bolter:
Class:Heavy  Range:150m  RoF:-/-/10  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:6 Clip:60  Rld:Full  Special:Storm, Tearing

Flame Weapons

Astartes Heavy Flamer:
Class:Heavy  Range:30m  RoF:S/-/-  Dmg:2d10+6 E  Pen:10 Clip:60  Rld:2Full  Special:Flame

Chain Weapons

Chain Sword:
Class:Melee  Dmg:1d10+3 R Pen:Special:Balanced, Tearing

Power Weapons

Power Sword:
Class:Melee  Dmg:1d10+6 E Pen:Special:Balanced, Power Field

Power Fist:
Class:Melee  Dmg:2d10 E Pen:Special:Power Field, Unwieldy
Note: Power Fists add a multiplier to the wielders strength bonus (because Space Marines already have a x2 multiplier.  So a Space Marine equiped with a power fist has a Strength Bonus of x3

Other Weapons

Class:Melee  Dmg:2d10+14 I Pen:10
Note: This may make an attack as the Tech Marine's Reaction or as Standard attack, as long as the arm only gets one attack per round.  Tech Marine may use Arm to anchor himself to a suitable surface as a free action, and may use the Arm's 75 Strength (Bonus modified by Unnatural Strength x2) for relevant tests.

Class:Melee  Dmg:1d10+10 I Pen:6

Plasma Cutter:
Class:Pistol  Range:10m  RoF:S/2/-  Dmg:1d10+8 E  Pen:8 Clip:12  Rld:3Full  Special:Volitile
Note:  The Plasma cutter's primary purpose is to cut through Armour plating.  To that end it can cut up to a Meter of 20 centimeter thick Adamantium plating every minute.  (Thinner materials can be cut faster)

Special Rules
Balanaced - +10 bonus to Weapon Skill Tests made to Parry

Flame - Flame weapons project a cone of flame out to the Range of the weapon.  Unlike other weapons, flamers have just one range.  When fired, they cast fiery death out to this distance.  The wielder does not need to test Ballistic Skill, he simply fires.  The flames path is a cone shaped area extending in a 30 degree arc from the firer out to the weapons range.  Any creatures caught in it must succeed on an Agility Test or be struck by the flames and take damage normally.  If they take damage they must succeed on a second Agility Test or catch on fire.  Cover does not protect characters from attacks made by flame weapons.  Normally, when a weapon is fired without the appropriate bracing, the wielder suffers a -20 or -30 penalty respectively to his Ballistic Skill Test.  When a weilder who does not possess the appropriate weapon training talent fires a weapon with the Flame Quality, anyone in the area of effect ganes a +20 bonus to his Agility Test to avoid damage.  This bonus rises to +30 if the weapon is heavy and the wielder is not braced.

Power Field - A field of power wreathes weapons with this Quality, increasing thier Damage and Penetration.  Such modifiers are already included in the weapon's profile.  When the wielder successfully uses this weapoin to Parry an attack made with a weapoin that lacks this Quality, he has a 75% chance of destroying his attacker's weapon.  Weapons with the Warp Weapon Trait and Natural Weapons are immune to this effect.

Storm - This Quality doubles the number of hits inflicted on the target and the mount of ammuntion expended.  For example, when firing a weapon with the Storm Quality in fully automatic mode, each degree of success yields two additional hits (to a maximum of twice the weapons full automatic rate of fire)

Tearing - These weapons roll one extra die for Damage and the lowest result gets discarded.

Unwieldy - Cannot be used to Parry

Volatile -  
Other Notes
This list is by no means complete.  As other weapons are drawn to be used by various Chapter characters and/or squads I will add them to this entry.

Tactica Entry: Battle Servitors

Name: Battle Servitor
Rank: None
Squad: "Cristos' Clankers
Chapter: Aleran Legion (Ultramarines Archtype, Temporary)
Character Archtype:NPC/Battle Servitor

Wounds: 20 AP: 6 - All locations

Primary Stat Line:
Strength Bonus: 10 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Heavy Bolter - Two Servitors
Plasma Cutter - One Servitor
Internal Vox

Awareness[Per]: T
Trade(Armourer)[Int]: +10
Trade (Technomat)[Int}: +10

Two-Weapon Wielder
Weapon Training: Heavy Bolter (2)
Weapon Training: Plasma Cutter

Armour-Plated - The creature is encased in armour-plating, increasing its Armour Points by 2 to all locations

Auto-stabilised - Always counts as Braced when firing heavy weapons. And may fire on semi- or full automatic as a half action

Darksight - Sees normally even in areas of total darkness, and never takes a penalty for fighting in areas of dim or no lighting.

Machine(4) - A creature with the Machine trait is fashiioned from inorganic materials and is generally more rigourous then fleshy folks. Machines do not breathe, are immue to the effects of vacuum, extremes of cold, any mind-influencing psychic effect, and their Armour points apply toward fire damage. Machines are also resilient to injury, having 1 to 5 armour points for each location. This number is indicated next to the trait.

Improved Natural Weapon(Servo-fist) - This creature has sharp claws, teeth, spines or some other natural weapon with which it can slice and dice its fores. It counts as being armed even when not wielding weapons. Its attacks deal 1d10 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. The creature may make attacks with its Natural Weapons using its Weapon Skill, though it cannot parry with its natural weapons, nor can it be disarmed - unless of course you hack off its limbs! Natural weapons always count as Primative, except when Improved

Sturdy - Gane a +20 bonus to tests made to resist grappling and uses of the Takedown Talent.

Unnatural Strength x2
Unnatural Toughness x2

Other Notes
While this particular entry reflects the Battle Servitors under Tech Sergeant Cristos, the base statline, Skill, Talent and Traits can be used for any battle servitors with only a little modification. (Taken from the NPC profile in the Core book)

Tactica Entry: Marine Template

Chapter: Aleran Legion (Ultramarines Archtype, Temporary)
Character Archtype:

Wounds: 20 Fate Points: 3 XP Spent:13,000

Primary Stat Line:
Strength Bonus: 8 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Armour Adjusted Stat Line(Power Armour):
Strength Bonus: 10 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Armour Adjusted Stat Line(Terminator Armour):
Strength Bonus: 11 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)


Special Abilities

Awareness[Per]: T
Ciphers (Chapter Runs)[Int]: T
Climb[S]: T
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes)[Int]: T
Common Lore (Imperium)[Int]: T
Common Lore (War)[Int]:T
Concealment[Ag]: T
Dodge[Ag]: T
Drive (Ground Vehicles)[Ag]: T
Intimidate[Str]: T
Literacy[Int]: T
Navigation (Surface)[Int]: T
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)[Int]: T
Silent Move[Ag]: T
Speak Language (High Gothic)[Int]: T
Speak Language (Low Gothic)[Int]: T
Tracking[Int]: T

Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps - Can Fire Heavy weapons without bracing without penalty
Heightened Senses(Hearing,Sight) - +10 (+20 in armour)
Killing Strike - During All-Out Attack may spend a Fate Point (before rolling dice) to make melee attacks for the round impossible to parry or dodge.
Nerves of Steel - Re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from Pinning
Quick Draw - Ready weapon is a Free action
Resistance (Pyschic Powers) - +10 bonus when attempting to resist
True Grit - Whenever character takes Critical Damage, halve the result (Round Up)
Unarmed Master - Unarmed combat attacks do 1d10+SB in Impact Damage, and these attacks no longer have the primitive quality.

Unnatural Strength x2
Unnatural Toughness x2

Other Notes
For taking Ultramarines as the Chapter choice (may change once Rites of Battle is aquired) was allowed 2 +5 characteristic bumps of my choice. Bumped Fel and Wil for template.

This Template reflects *any* unnamed marine. They have not been given the standard 1000XP bonus of starting characters in Deathwatch. The Power Armour Line stats also fill in for Artificer armour (from a strength buff standpoint) No Armour History chosen for any. The only thing not on this template is the special abilities, which can be decided by the GM if they should be usable by an unnamed marine of a certain specialty (Tactical, or Assault, for example). Weapons loadout will be noted in a Squad Entry. Weapons stats will be noted in an Rites of Mars Entry.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tactica Entry: Veteran Apothecary Arvic Elyas

Name: Arvic Elyas
Rank: Veteran Apothecary
Squad: "Octavian's Blades" (Command Squad)
Chapter: Aleran Legion (Ultramarines Archtype, Temporary)
Character Archtype: Apothecary
Wounds: 22 Fate Points: 3 XP Spent:14,000

Primary Stat Line:
Strength Bonus: 8 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Armour Adjusted Stat Line(Power Armour):
Strength Bonus: 10 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Power Armour "Mortus Medica" - 'Common' rarity, To forget is to forgive. Forget nothing Armour history roll
Narthicium(With Reductor) "Balm of the Lighthand" - 'Common' rarity
Chain Sword "Curatio Odio"
Bolt Pistol "Carisma Pacis"

Special Abilities
Extra Healing: The Apothecary may restore 1d5 additional Wounds with any successful Medicae Test for First Aide.


Awareness[Per]: T
Chem-Use[Int]: T
Ciphers (Chapter Runs)[Int]: T
Climb[S]: T
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes)[Int]: T
Common Lore (Imperium)[Int]: T
Common Lore (War)[Int]:T
Concealment[Ag]: T
Dodge[Ag]: T
Drive (Ground Vehicles)[Ag]: T
Intimidate[Str]: T
Literacy[Int]: T
Medicae[Int]: T
Navigation (Surface)[Int]: T
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)[Int]: T
Silent Move[Ag]: T
Security[Ag]: T
Speak Language (High Gothic)[Int]: T
Speak Language (Low Gothic)[Int]: T
Speak Language (Techna-Lingua)[Int]:T
Tracking[Int]: T
Trade(Chymist)[Int]: T

Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps - Can Fire Heavy weapons without bracing without penalty
Hatred(Daemons): When Fighting opponents of this group in close combat, the character gains a +10 bonus to all Weapon Skill Tests made against the enemy. Provided by Armour History
Heightened Senses(Hearing,Sight) - +10 (+20 in armour)
Killing Strike - During All-Out Attack may spend a Fate Point (before rolling dice) to make melee attacks for the round impossible to parry or dodge.
Nerves of Steel - Re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from Pinning
Quick Draw - Ready weapon is a Free action
Resistance (Pyschic Powers) - +10 bonus when attempting to resist
True Grit - Whenever character takes Critical Damage, halve the result (Round Up)
Unarmed Master - Unarmed combat attacks do 1d10+SB in Impact Damage, and these attacks no longer have the primitive quality.

Unnatural Strength x2
Unnatural Toughness x2

Advances Purchased
400 Chem-Use
600 Trade(Chymist)

Other Notes
For taking Ultramarines as the Chapter choice (may change once Rites of Battle is aquired) was allowed 2 +5 characteristic bumps of my choice. Bumped Per and Int

Elyas has been serving in the Command squad of the First Company since the first century of Septimus's reign. He has repeatedly turned down elevation to the HQ elements of the Chapter Apothecary, chosing instead to remain where he believes the Apothecary belong - in the field looking after their battle brothers in the mud and the blood. Almost every living member of the First Company owe Elyas their life at one point or another.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tactica Entry: Tech Sergeant Yse Cristos

Name: Yse Cristos
Rank: Tech Sergeant
Squad: Cristos' Clankers
Chapter: Aleran Legion (Ultramarines Archtype, Temporary)
Character Archtype: Tech Marine
Wounds: 20 Fate Points: 3 XP Spent:14,000

Primary Stat Line:
Strength Bonus: 8 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Armour Adjusted Stat Line(Power Armour):
Strength Bonus: 10 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Power Armour "Armour of the Forge Fathers": - 'Common' rarity, Terror be thy friend History Roll.
Servo-Arm "Aramic's Armature"
Auger Array "Phantom's Eye"
Bolter "Mechanus' Reach": - 'Common' rarity

Special Abilities
Improve Cover: The Techmarine can add a number of Armour Points equal to his unmodified intelligence Bonus to any cover. Improving Cover requires a Full Action

Awareness[Per]: T
Ciphers (Chapter Runs)[Int]: T
Climb[S]: T
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes)[Int]: T
Common Lore (Imperium)[Int]: T
Common Lore (War)[Int]:T
Concealment[Ag]: T
Dodge[Ag]: T
Drive (Ground Vehicles)[Ag]: T
Forbidden Lore(Adeptus Mechanicus)[Int]: T
Intimidate[Str]: T
Literacy[Int]: T
Navigation (Surface)[Int]: T
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)[Int]: T
Silent Move[Ag]: T
Security[Ag]: T
Speak Language (High Gothic)[Int]: T
Speak Language (Low Gothic)[Int]: T
Speak Language (Techna-Lingua)[Int]:T
Tech-Use[Int]: T
Tracking[Int]: T

Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps - Can Fire Heavy weapons without bracing without penalty
Electro-Graft Use - May use Electo-Graft to access data ports and commune with the machine spirits. This grants a +10 bonus to Common Lore, Inquiry, or Tech-Use Tests whilst connected to a data port.
Heightened Senses(Hearing,Sight) - +10 (+20 in armour)
Killing Strike - During All-Out Attack may spend a Fate Point (before rolling dice) to make melee attacks for the round impossible to parry or dodge.
Mechadendrite Use(Servo-Arm)- Allows use of a Servo Arm. Can be used in Combat
Nerves of Steel - Re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from Pinning
Quick Draw - Ready weapon is a Free action
Rapid Reload - Halve all reload actions
Resistance (Pyschic Powers) - +10 bonus when attempting to resist
True Grit - Whenever character takes Critical Damage, halve the result (Round Up)
Unarmed Master - Unarmed combat attacks do 1d10+SB in Impact Damage, and these attacks no longer have the primitive quality.

Mechanicus Implants
Unnatural Strength x2
Unnatural Toughness x2

Advances Purchased
200 Int +5
400 Security T
400 Forbidden Lore(Adeptus Mechanicus) T

Other Notes
For taking Ultramarines as the Chapter choice (may change once Rites of Battle is aquired) was allowed 2 +5 characteristic bumps of my choice. Bumped WS and Int

Cristos is a relatively new Tech Marine, having earned his Tech Sergeant status only a century or so ago. Still he is a favorite of the Master of the Forge for his eye for detail, and an incredible record of successful battlefield salvage, and returning near wrecks to functional condition, when most would expect such things to be a loss.

Tactica Entry: Veteran Sergeant Marius Stephland

Name: Marius Stephland
Rank: Veteran Sergeant
Squad: Fist of the First (Tactical Terminators)
Chapter: Aleran Legion (Ultramarines Archtype, Temporary)
Character Archtype: Tactical Marine

Wounds: 22 Fate Points: 3 XP Spent:14,000

Primary Stat Line:
Strength Bonus: 8 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Armour Adjusted Stat Line(Terminator):
Strength Bonus: 12 (unnatural strength x2) Toughness Bonus: 8 (unnatural toughness x2)

Terminator Armour "Pillar of Might": - 'Common' rarity, Thy Strength be Legend history roll.
Power Sword "Reckoning's Edge": - 'Common' rarity
Heavy Flamer "Soulfire": - 'Common' rarity

Special Abilities
Bolter Mastery - The Tactical Marine gains a +10 bonus to all ballistic Skill Tests and +2 damage when firing a Bolt weapon. This ability only functions in Solo Mode

Awareness[Per]: T
Ciphers (Chapter Runs)[Int]: T
Climb[S]: T
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes)[Int]: T
Common Lore (Imperium)[Int]: T
Common Lore (War)[Int]:T
Concealment[Ag]: T
Dodge[Ag]: T
Drive (Ground Vehicles)[Ag]: T
Intimidate[Str]: T
Literacy[Int]: T
Navigation (Surface)[Int]: T
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)[Int]: T
Silent Move[Ag]: T
Speak Language (High Gothic)[Int]: T
Speak Language (Low Gothic)[Int]: T
Tactics (Assault Doctrine)[Int]: T
Tech-Use[Int]: T
Tracking[Int]: T

Astartes Weapons Training
Bulging Biceps - Can Fire Heavy weapons without bracing without penalty
Heightened Senses(Hearing,Sight) - +10 (+20 in armour)
Killing Strike - During All-Out Attack may spend a Fate Point (before rolling dice) to make melee attacks for the round impossible to parry or dodge.
Nerves of Steel - Re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from Pinning
Quick Draw - Ready weapon is a Free action
Rapid Reload - Halve all reload actions
Resistance (Pyschic Powers) - +10 bonus when attempting to resist
True Grit - Whenever character takes Critical Damage, halve the result (Round Up)
Unarmed Master - Unarmed combat attacks do 1d10+SB in Impact Damage, and these attacks no longer have the primitive quality.

Unnatural Strength x2
Unnatural Toughness x2

Advances Purchased
200 - Rapid Reload
800 - Tech Use

Other Notes
For taking Ultramarines as the Chapter choice (may change once Rites of Battle is aquired) was allowed 2 +5 characteristic bumps of my choice. Bumped Fel and Int

Stephland is a veteran of hundreds, if not thousands of campaigns, to be honest he's forgotten how many. For over six hundred years he's served in the Legion, and for almost four hundred of them, he's held Terminator Honors. With Septimus's Fall, he is the most experienced Battle-Brother aboard the Wrath of the Legionnaire with the confines and power of Terminator Armour.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rites of Mars: Armour

Astartes Power Armour Mark VII "Aquilla" Pattern
Ceramite Plating: Provides AP 10 to the Body and AP 8 to all other locations

Enhanced Strength:Increase the Battle-Brother's Strength by +20. The effect on SB is calculated after the Unnatural Strength multiplier.

Auto-senses: The Space Marine ganes the Dark Sight Trait, and Hightened Senses (+10 to relevant Tests) for Sight and Sound, Imput filtering provides immunity to photon flash grenades and stun grenades. Note that these benefits only apply whilst the Space Marine is wearing his helmet, and the benefits from the Auto-seneses stack with the benefits of the Space Marines's Lyman's Ear and Occulobe implants (Meaning that the Space Marines have a +20 to Sight and Sound based Awareness Tests). Aditionally, the Auto-Senses make the Called Shot Action into a Half Action

Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: With the helmet on, the Armour is enviromentally sealed and can maintain an adequate oxygen supply as long as the unit is powered.

Bio-monitor and Injectors: If the internal cogitator detects a problem with the wearer's bio-sighns, it can administerpain suppressors, combat stimms, and anti-toxins. This provides the following benefits:
* +10 to Tests resisting the Toxic Quality and similar poison effects
* The pain suppressor reservoir has a total of 6 doses, each of which can be used to ignore Critical Effects for 1d10 rounds. The doses may be used in succession or staggered.
* If the wearer is Stunned, the effect lasts a maximum of one Round before the bio-monitor detects and negates it.

Vox Link: Serves as a standard vox and a channel for any more sophisticated data transmissions the suit or its wearer can access. The bio-monitor feed also transmits through this link, permitting a squad to view each others' vitals.

Magnetized Boot Soles: Can be activated to provide the equivalent of Magboots.

Nutrient Recycling: Filters in the armour capture and purify body waste, re-constituting it into a nutrient solution that is intravenously returned to the body. This can sustain a Battle-Brother for long periods of time, but not indefinitely. For every two weeks that no other source of nutrition is ingested, make a Toughness Test or suffer one level of Fatigue until nutrition is consumed. The Difficulty of this test increases one step for every two weeks that passes without food or Preomnor-derived sustenanced.

Recoil Suppression: Provides the ability to fire Basic weapons one-handed. Ranged weapons not classed as Pistols still may not be used in Close Combat.

Giant Among Men: A Space Marine in power armour is Hulking. This increases his basic movement by 1; however, the grace afforded by his Black Carapace negates the modifier enemies would otherwise have to attack him. He Still suffers the usual penalties to Concealment and Silent Move for being heavily armoured

Poor Manual Dexterity: While protective, armoured cloves are not ideal for fine manipulation. Delecate tasks suffer a -10 penalty unless using equipment designed for Space Marines. Similarly, ranged weapons other then those of Astartes design are too small for an armoured Battle-Brother to wield at all.

Power Armour Ritual: Assuming power armour is a sacred ritual, honoring the machine spirit's history of Valiant deeds and praying for its boons in the battles to come. It takes 20 minutes to remove or don power armour un-aided, but never less then 5 minutes no matter the amount of assistance as the proper rites must be observed.

Astartes Artificer Power Armour

Improved AP: Artificer Power Armour provides all the benifits and penaltys of normal Power Armour, with the addition of 12 AP over all locations, and is also *always* Master Crafted

Additional Rules: Helmet includes an MIU in addition to everything listed above for regular Power Armour (MIU stands for Mind Impulse Unit - see Tech Marines section of Armoury in Core rules. Also, roll twice on the Power Armour History table to determine the special properties of the armour.

Astartes Tactical Dreadnought Armour (Terminator)

Improved AP: 14 AP all locations

Additional Benifits: Superior Actuator and stabilisation systems allow for Heavy and Mounted weapons to be fired one-handed. This also provies the Auto-Stabilised Trait and grants +30 to Strength instead of a +20. The Auto-senses are part of a sensorium, which provies the same capabilities as an auspex. (+20 to Awareness Tests, and may make a Tech-Use test to detect things that are not normally visible, such as bio-signatures, poison gas or other toxins, etc.) If Two or more Battle-Brothers are in Terminator Armour, the input link capabilities of a sensorium also increase the Squad's effective Rank by 1 for the purposes of determining weather or not it is in Support Range.

Crux Terminatus: This protection provides the same chance to emerge unscathed as a Force Field with a Protection Rating of 35. Since this is Purely due to the chance of the hit glancing off the armours strongest surfaces, there is no possibility of Overload. (Field Rules - Truncated: A Character may only benifit from one field at a time, regardless of how many different fields he may have equipped. When a character wearing an active field is attacked, roll 1d100. If the result is less thean or equal to the field's protection rating the attack is nullified and has no effect on the protected character. (Although the attack may have an effect on surroundings or other nearby characters, such as with weapons of a Blast Quality.))

Drawbacks: A Terminator cannot Run, and the wearer suffers a -20 to Agility and cannot Dodge (but may still Parry). Furthermore, in order for the Terminator's frame to properly support, aim, and interface with weapons they must be affixed by special couplings. Arming Tactical Dreadnought units is a laborious and sacred ritual that may only be performed by high-ranking Techmarines with the proper ceremonial accoutrements and facilities. This prohibits the weapon configuration from being changed under other circumstances.

Terminator-Compatible Weapons: Any Combi-weapon, Power Weapon or Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, Storm Shield, Heavy Flamer, Assault Cannon, Cyclone Missle Launcher.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Octavian frowned, eyeing the readouts on the Admiral's board. He would have been more comfortable with a fellow Marine in charge of the bridge and the fleet, what there was of it, but Admiral Sextus was a fine man, and had served the Chapter and the Third Company Marines that were on anti-pirate patrol when the warpstorm broke quite well.

Besides which, the Master of the Fleet had died in the early battles, amoung the ruins of Kelsa. And the Master of the Forge - Magnus Damondred had enough pressing matters assisting the Apothacary with Septimus.

So many wounds to heal, but that would come in time. First there was the triage of those that survived.

"Sergeant Jeckt, remind me what and who was aboard the Sapientia." Octavian replied after a moments consideration.

"Sir, the loading was haphazard, but my records show that the rememberance tablets from the eastern wall were loaded aboard the Sapientia, along with the fifth squad of the first company, Stelpan's Sternguard. Beyond that, she held three thousand chapter serfs and a few relics that were not deemed important enough to place aboard the Wrath." Jeckt reported as he double checked the Dataslate in his hand. He had become something of the Captain's adjunct, beyond looking after his scouts - he was the provisional head of the Tenth Company. What was left of it.

"Stelpan was no fool, he and his men should still have been in their armour, and may have elected to put themselves in cold sleep. That may drop their vital signs below that which the Wrath's cognators can read. Reguardless, if possible we need to recover their Geneseed, along with any salvage the Tech Marines deem worth the trouble to retrieve. Admiral we will launch a salvage crew, if the launch bay is operational with a Thunderhawk. Sergeant Antillus and the Terminators of the Fist will accompany whatever Tech Marines Damondred can spare, and Apothacary Fenix on a salvage and recovery mission." Octavian replied as his armoured fingers drummed against the helmet latched to his belt. "Any Thunderhawks we have beyond that which are safe to fly and we can spare the pilots for should begin a close patrol of the immediate area, while the remaining ships of the fleet see to any internal and external damage and take stock. We need to catch our breath, and there is little need to push ourselves to oblivion, now that we've escaped it. Once Septimus is seen too, Magnus will work with his Tech Marines to speeed any repair and refit we need, and are able to make without a fleet dock."

"I will pass the word Captain." Sergeant Jeckt stated as he added a few notes to his dataslate.

Initium Novum

c. 0413011.M42 - Callaxis Sector

Droplets of condensation fell in rivelets down the viewscreen.

Moments earlier the Wrath of the Legionnaire, and it's handful of escorts, emerged violently from The Warp. The thin veneer of frost that had enveloped the outer hull melted from the rays of a nearby dying sun.

Admiral Albanus Sextus slouched forward over the tactical display that straddled his lap. Displays glowed amber or red, belying the critical status of numerous sectors within the ship.

"Lord Octavian." Wheezed the shaken admiral. "Despite our damage... The Legionnaire has held together. We have successfully exited the warp."

A smattering of cheers broke from amongst the crew, though most remained somber, aware that at any moment the situation could deteriorate. Admiral Sextus's hands passed over the screen, calling up further displays.

"Four of our escorts are up; the fifth, the Summa Sapientia, is showing multiple hull punctures. I'm afraid that there's nothing left of her but a drifting hulk. At your orders m'lord - what shall you have us do?"

Lore Entry: Journal of Liam Jeckt

'There is only War' is a fairly common statement from the lips of an imperial space marine, but for the Aleran Legion - that saying came home to roost. It’s been almost forty years since I've found enough time to sit in the quiet, and reflect on my thoughts in this journal. And yet, while forty years have passed for me, four hundred have passed for the universe at large.

I suppose I should start at the beginning, as it were.

Alera Prime was a fine world. One of six in the subsector our chapter called home, and the site of the Legion's fortress monastery. We were a fine order, serving our place beside our Codex Astarte's brethren, pitting our might against that of a galaxy that was set to see humanity destroyed. Subsector Alera had not seen a true battle for more than nine hundred years. Every fifty or so, one of its worlds would give up it’s due to the Imperial Guard, and we pulled out initiates off of the hardest two planets population.

It was on such a year that the Warp opened its great maw, and decided to try to swallow the subsector whole.

I can tell you that I have lived for more than five standard lifetimes - and I have never seen such a calamity as what befell the sub-sector. I've seen worlds stolen by the warp. Ships lost, then found hundred or more years later, adrift with arcane terrors in their hold, just waiting for a salvage vessel to pounce on.

And none of it compares to the horrors that descended upon us.

Daemon, Traitor Marines, and worse trod the great worlds of this subsector, and reduced them to lifeless husks of themselves. Not even Tyranids are so complete as this. For forty years the near full might of the Aleran Legion held onto its home world, the world that gave it its name, as the other five worlds crumbled and fell. Beside us a newly formed Regiment of Imperial guard fought like lions, for men so young.

It was a losing war, and every one of the brothers and sisters in that battle knew it - but we would not bow to the Gods of the Warp. In the very end, we had been reduced to but a handful. The remnants of the Chapter re-organized behind the banner of the First Company, holding the walls of our last bastion, the Fortress Monastery herself, as terrors that would shred the mind of a neophyte brother Marine on any world threw themselves against our defenses. With us stood the last remaining men and women of that ill-fated Imperial guard regiment, and every civilian and serf we had managed to save.

Together they hardly number a Battalion, and the fighting men and women of the Guard, were organized down to two company strength.

It was our last hour. The end of the Legion. As was proper, our Chapter Master Gaius Septimus held the outer wall. When the time came to fall back to the inner perimeter, he stood alone, allowing his Marine's to get their foot hold behind him before he would give ground.

It was his finest hour. Hundreds fell at his feet.

But all great men eventually fall.

And as he fell back, the storm bolters mounted on the backs of his terminator armour power fists spat death, and finally clicked dry, a moment before he would have activated his personal teleporter – still functional, at least within the walls of the monastery a terrible psyblast sliced through his armour and fell him.

Before Octavian, the longtime Captain of the First Company could react, his vanguard veterans leapt from their post, and with their jump packs running on the last remaining refined promethium we had available, slammed headlong into the oncoming wave, and for a moment, it faltered. It was enough, and Octavian gave the order to concentrate on the center. Five Thunderfire cannons, overseen by the last of our Tech Marines, and every heavy bolter we still possessed and could find ammo for rained holy death on those monstrosity’s at the gate, and cut a hole for those valiant Brothers.

Of the ten, five lost their lives on that field, but they reached their objective, and together on their Sergeants order, managed to jump as one, bringing the certainly lifeless body of our Chapter Master back to his line, where at least he might lay with his brothers.

At least, that was what we all believed.

But Septimus would not go quietly into the night, and to our Apothecary’s surprise, his body still held life, and the stubbornness that had seen this chapter through its darkest time had not abated in his near death state. Despite the Chief Apothecary’s suggestion that he allow himself to be brought within for treatment, Septimus stayed on the walls, allowing only the most necessary of treatment as he and
Octavian conducted our final stand.

Within twenty minutes of their heroic jump, the Thunderfire cannons fell silent, and soon behind them, the heavy bolters. The last of our bolter ammunition was passed out, and the remaining Guard, refreshed their lasguns with the last of their own dwindling supply of functional power packs.

We would fight to the last.

And as the horde howled, knowing their hour was near, the sky – which for what was now time immemorial had been the eye wrenching, mind destroying kaleidoscope of the warp, was ripped asunder, as if the heavens themselves had opened above us, in a blinding flash.

It was somewhat more mundane then that, however - just the earsplitting crash and mind numbing thump of an orbital bombardment, brought in danger close. But I still believe it was the Emperors own hand that finally slammed the door on the warp storm that had engulfed our subsector, and guided the Wrath of the Legionnaire through the maelstrom in our final hour.

The bombardment lasted for an hour, as fresh troops - or at least, fresh to us - four squads that had been out on antipiracy duty when the warpstorm had first swallowed the sector, fell to terra firma in
drop pods. They brought much needed ammunition, and most importantly hope.

Despite his protests, Septimus, now in grave condition was pulled off the inner wall, as Octavian saw to what was now a holding action. Even with the storm gone, Alera was lost. The land had been completely corrupted, and the survivors would not number enough to take it back, even without the warp's influence and re-enforcement. Our only option was to take to space aboard the Wrath, and her few surviving escorts, bringing our most precious relics and the contents of the Gene seed vault with us.

It took just over five days to finish the lift, and as the last of us filed aboard the last Thunderhawk, Octavian stood before the gangway, looking out one last time on Alera. Twenty minutes after our departure, the massive fusion plants buried beneath for fortress would overload, and take it, and the surrounding area for fifty miles with it.

There would be nothing to come back to.

But on that gangway the Heir Apparent to the Chapter swore that before he drew his last breath, the Legion would return, and scour clean every last one of their worlds of the filth that infested them – and deny the enemy his prize.

They were bold words.

We may yet come to rue their utterance. But they have given us a purpose. We must leave, so that we may become whole. Heal the chapter so that we might wage a holy war for that which was stolen.

They are barren horrible wastelands now - and there is little left to reclaim. But sometimes, honor demands of us the insane. And we must defend that honor to the last.

As we departed, the astropaths and navigators came to a revelation. Based on stellar drift, over four hundred years have passed for the Galaxy at large as we battled the horrors of the warp.

There were two companies off world when the Warp Storm hit, one serving near the Eye of Terror, another was in the Calaxian subsector, assisting with an Orc Uprising. There is every chance they finished their assignments and upon hearing of the warpstorm in their home sector returned with all haste, and flew their company fleets into the maelstrom, in an effort to bring some relief.

Or, they may have wisely stayed clear. We have no way to know... but the Callaxian subsector will be our first stop. It is just over a month, estimated by Warp... while I - and more than likely every member of this Chapter, and our dependents are not particularly in a hurry to step back into that particular maelstrom - the Emperor delivered us once, I do not think he will abandon us now.

But I have dallied enough for one evening. There is work to be done.

-Excerpt from the journal of Veteran Scout Sergeant Liam Jeckt, Tenth Company, Aleran Legion