Friday, April 22, 2011

Rites of Mars: Chapter Armoury

Within these vaults lie the sacred remaining stockpiles of weapons of our Chapter. Treat them well, and they will bring holy death to our enemys, and lead us - eventually - back to Sub-Sector Alera, and our home. -Master of the Forge, Magus Daemondred

Bolt Weapons

Astartes Bolt Pistol:
Class:Pistol  Range:30m  RoF:S/3/-  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:5 Clip:14  Rld:Full  Special:Tearing

Astartes Bolter(Godwyn pattern):
Class:Basic  Range:100m  RoF:S/2/4  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:5 Clip:28  Rld:Full  Special:Tearing

Astartes Storm Bolter:
Class:Basic  Range:100m  RoF:S/2/4  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:5 Clip:60  Rld:2Full  Special:Storm, Tearing

Astartes Heavy Bolter:
Class:Heavy  Range:150m  RoF:-/-/10  Dmg:2d10+5 X  Pen:6 Clip:60  Rld:Full  Special:Storm, Tearing

Flame Weapons

Astartes Heavy Flamer:
Class:Heavy  Range:30m  RoF:S/-/-  Dmg:2d10+6 E  Pen:10 Clip:60  Rld:2Full  Special:Flame

Chain Weapons

Chain Sword:
Class:Melee  Dmg:1d10+3 R Pen:Special:Balanced, Tearing

Power Weapons

Power Sword:
Class:Melee  Dmg:1d10+6 E Pen:Special:Balanced, Power Field

Power Fist:
Class:Melee  Dmg:2d10 E Pen:Special:Power Field, Unwieldy
Note: Power Fists add a multiplier to the wielders strength bonus (because Space Marines already have a x2 multiplier.  So a Space Marine equiped with a power fist has a Strength Bonus of x3

Other Weapons

Class:Melee  Dmg:2d10+14 I Pen:10
Note: This may make an attack as the Tech Marine's Reaction or as Standard attack, as long as the arm only gets one attack per round.  Tech Marine may use Arm to anchor himself to a suitable surface as a free action, and may use the Arm's 75 Strength (Bonus modified by Unnatural Strength x2) for relevant tests.

Class:Melee  Dmg:1d10+10 I Pen:6

Plasma Cutter:
Class:Pistol  Range:10m  RoF:S/2/-  Dmg:1d10+8 E  Pen:8 Clip:12  Rld:3Full  Special:Volitile
Note:  The Plasma cutter's primary purpose is to cut through Armour plating.  To that end it can cut up to a Meter of 20 centimeter thick Adamantium plating every minute.  (Thinner materials can be cut faster)

Special Rules
Balanaced - +10 bonus to Weapon Skill Tests made to Parry

Flame - Flame weapons project a cone of flame out to the Range of the weapon.  Unlike other weapons, flamers have just one range.  When fired, they cast fiery death out to this distance.  The wielder does not need to test Ballistic Skill, he simply fires.  The flames path is a cone shaped area extending in a 30 degree arc from the firer out to the weapons range.  Any creatures caught in it must succeed on an Agility Test or be struck by the flames and take damage normally.  If they take damage they must succeed on a second Agility Test or catch on fire.  Cover does not protect characters from attacks made by flame weapons.  Normally, when a weapon is fired without the appropriate bracing, the wielder suffers a -20 or -30 penalty respectively to his Ballistic Skill Test.  When a weilder who does not possess the appropriate weapon training talent fires a weapon with the Flame Quality, anyone in the area of effect ganes a +20 bonus to his Agility Test to avoid damage.  This bonus rises to +30 if the weapon is heavy and the wielder is not braced.

Power Field - A field of power wreathes weapons with this Quality, increasing thier Damage and Penetration.  Such modifiers are already included in the weapon's profile.  When the wielder successfully uses this weapoin to Parry an attack made with a weapoin that lacks this Quality, he has a 75% chance of destroying his attacker's weapon.  Weapons with the Warp Weapon Trait and Natural Weapons are immune to this effect.

Storm - This Quality doubles the number of hits inflicted on the target and the mount of ammuntion expended.  For example, when firing a weapon with the Storm Quality in fully automatic mode, each degree of success yields two additional hits (to a maximum of twice the weapons full automatic rate of fire)

Tearing - These weapons roll one extra die for Damage and the lowest result gets discarded.

Unwieldy - Cannot be used to Parry

Volatile -  
Other Notes
This list is by no means complete.  As other weapons are drawn to be used by various Chapter characters and/or squads I will add them to this entry.

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